Possessive Adjectives

Singular Adjectives

Mi  (my)

Nuestro(a)  (our) 

Tu  (your informal)

Vuestro(a)  (you all informal)

Su   (he, she, you formal, its)

Su  (their, your plural = you all)

*  Possessive adjectives tell you who owns something or describes a relationship between people or things. 

Por ejemplo:

Es mi tío = He’s my uncle

Es tu suéter = It’s my sweater

Es nuestro casa = It’s our house

*  Possessive adjectives agree in number with the nouns they describe.

Por ejemplo:

            Son mis abuleos = They are my grandparents.      Es mi abuleo = It’s my grandfather

            Son tus zapatos = They are (those are) your shoes.

            Son nuestros libros = They are our books.

Plural Adjecives

Mis  (my)

Nuestros(as)  (our)

Tus  (your informal)

Vuestros(as)  (you all informal)

Sus   (his, her, you formal its)

Sus  (their, your plural = you all)

 * The adjectives nuestro(a)(os/as) and vuestro(a)(os/as) agree in gender and number with the nouns they describe.

Por ejemplo:

            Nuestro abuelo = Our grandfather       Nuestros abuelos = Our grandparents

            Es nuestra bolsa = It’s our bag           Son nuestras bolsas = They are our bags.

*  For emphasis or clarification, the adjective can be replaced with de + a pronoun or a person’s name.  (Clarification is needed especially for su and sus).

Por ejemplo:

            Es su tío                 Es el tío de él.

                                                        de ella

                                                        de nosotros(as)   

                                                       de Elena